Top 3 Best Male Enhancement Pills

Top 3 Best Male Enhancement Pills
Top 3 Best Male Enhancement Pills

27 Aralık 2014 Cumartesi

On 06:54 by best male enhancement supplements in    No comments
Hightenz Reviews

Hightenz is a male enhancement product that is a bit different from the others reviewed on this list. It is a topical formula that primarily works to prolong your erections and prevent premature ejaculation, which has been giving men worldwide a hard time achieving peak sexual pleasure. It ranks alongside other creams and lotions also designed to fight rapid ejaculation. Its goal is to improve sex drive or libido as well as the quality of your erections, making it an all-around solution.
As of this writing, however, we got word that Hightenz is already off the market, although it is not unusual for products of this kind to float around and be available somewhere it can still be accessed. It is for this reason that we are still reviewing Hightenz, which is applied directly to your penis right before sexual activity. It is believed to work immediately.
The primary ingredient in this product that serves its anti-premature ejaculation function is Lidocaine, the same or similar one found in most other delay sprays or medications we have encountered. Lidocaine is a mild local anesthetic, also used by dentists to prepare gums for some Novacaine. For the male enhancement part, Hightenz contains L-arginine, ginseng, and Avena sativa. Each has its own purpose: L-arginine increases the flow of blood to the penile region for enhanced erections, while ginseng helps increased blood flow as well and improves energy. Avena sativa, on the other hand, assists in enhancing free testosterone amount in your body.
We find it impressive that Hightenz is able to showcase both premature ejaculation and performance enhancement benefits in one package. It is not common for erection benefits to come in topical or lotion form. The recommended use of the product is also only whenever sexual intercourse will take place, and it is estimated to work right away – no waiting time or anxious anticipation of onset.
The downside to using this, however, is that it can be quite pricey. The topical cream can also rub off other surfaces and may numb more than just the area you want it to, such as your partner’s vagina. More importantly, Hightenz has been discontinued and we can no longer find a legitimate website for further information. If you want to explore using this one, there’s the black market – but why do so when there are legal and readily available ones, such as supplements in pill form?

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